Hírek - Összes

Ahogyan autójára téli gumit szereltet a nehezebb időjárási viszonyok esetére, úgy érdemes cége informatikai biztonsága érdekében is megtenni néhány egyszerű lépést. A cikkre kattintva egy videót láthat arról, hogy melyek lehetnek az alapvető, kisebb költséggel megvalósítható megoldások. Hogyan fertőznek, és mi a megol [...]


Tarolt a Magyar Termék Nagydíj átadó ünnepségén kamaránk önkéntes tagvállalkozása, a hódmezővásárhelyi Csomiép Kft. A céget amellett, hogy már sokadszor ismerték el Magyar Termék Nagydíjjal, Magyar Termék Hűségdíjat is kapott, míg Mészáros Antal, a vállalat vezetője életműdíjat vehetett át a Parlamentben. Az elism [...]


We are glad to announce, that the project Inn-Commerce - Gamified Training for Successful Commercialization of Young SMEs' Innovation has been approved within the Erasmus+ Programme. Our chamber is participating in the consortium as one of the project partners. The project will be implemented in the forthcoming two years, with participating organ [...]


The updated version of the website of the „Sparking Creativity and Innovation Skills in the ICT Sector” project is already available online and can be accessed HERE. The project, funded under the Erasmus + program aims to attract new talent in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT), to train European citizens with [...]


  Project partners of the Innospark project consortium met for the second time in Spain, Bilbao, where they presented the findings of the Online Survey and Focus Group Interviews. A state-of-the art analysis will be prepared based on the country reports the main objective of which will be to summarize the main tasks/a [...]


The third international partner meeting within the framework of the InnoSpark project will be held in Estonia, Tallin between the 19-20 September 2016. In the main focus of the meeting will be the finalization of the Intellectual Output 2, the Self-Diagnostic Test. The Self-Diagnostic Test will be an interactive self-assessment tool for ICT empl [...]


The impelmentation of the INNOSPARK project is in full swing. The project Partners are in the process of delivering activities of the fist Intellectual Output which is online survey and focus group interviews among ICT companies in all partner countries, which will set the grounds for the development of further four intellectual outputs within [...]


For the development of the online tool, a European-wide online survey has been carried out. About 520 persons and organisations from 40 countries, including the 28 EU Member States, have participated in the European-wide survey. The online survey served as a means to measure the specific needs of educational institutions active in [...]


On 01/09/2016, within the framework of the project closing conference, the final product of the project Europeanisation, the Online Self-Assessment Tool will be launched officially. We wholeheartedly invite all interested parties, especially educational institutions and other organisations that are aiming at going international, or those that are [...]


The fifth transnational project meeting under the project "Europenaisation-Organisational Maturity Assessment Tool for the Europeanisation of Educational Institutions" was held from 02  to 04 July 2016 in Zagreb. During the meeting, all partners had the possibility to discuss the results of the European-wide testing of the Online [...]


The EU project “Organisational Maturity Assessment Tool for the Europeanisation of Educational Institutions” has reached its final stage! The Self-Assessment Tool is available for testing now! If you would like to be among the exclusive users to explore first the “Europeanisation” online Self-Assessment Tool please contact us at [...]


Do you want to be more innovative? Are you interested in improving your creativity skills? Useful tips and tricks presented by George Tilesch, the CMO of Be-novative, whom we recently interviewed for our European Union backed project called InnoSpark, showcasing the best business innovation practices. Check out the interview or continue rea [...]
