In July 2021, the project partners met for the first time in person in Larnaca, Cyprus to discuss topics of key importance. During the two-days meeting, partners discussed the design of the Self-Rate Tool and explored how the results of the S-R tool should be connected with the learning pathways (O2) as well as the CE transition Action Plan (O3).
The first module of the Self-Rate Tool will be addressed to SMEs and microenterprises and will estimate their circularity index based on self-rate questions. The results will rank the priorities of the company according to the Circularity Ranking System and will direct the person(s) in charge to specific modules of the Circular Economy Implementation Framework (CE Framework).
The second module of the tool will be addressed to SME owners/managers, employees and future employees, VET centres trainers, consultants, etc. and will assess their knowledge around CE issues. Based on the performance of the respondent, the tool will direct her/him to specific sections of the CE Course.
Partners discussed topics related to the Training content development, which will be available in two different versions, a “white collar” and a “blue collar” version of training material will be supporting the users in their learning paths. The draft contents of the CE Strategy document have also been presented and discussed.
Topics such as specifications of the iLearn Tool, dissemination and sustainability of project results were also part of the agenda.
The two-days meeting was very fruitful and enabled partners to continue their joint project related work on mutual grounds of understanding, ensuring highest professional development of the outputs.