Moving to the circular business modell among the touristic SME-s – the Ecotours project’s studytrip in Hungary from Wednesday to Friday in Csongrád-Csanád county is about this aim. Representatives of touristic enterpreneurships from Cyprus, Sicily, Corsica, Greece and Spain arrived as guests to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Csongrád-Csanád - which institution participates in the project - as well as to the also participating 16 enterpreneurships of the county. The guests get familiar with Hungarian best practises in the topic of circular business operation during the three-day trip, with the aim of adapting the relevant best practices to their own enterpreneurship as they will arrive back home.

Eva Durovic, the projectmanager of the Chamber has announced that the aim of the Ecotours project is to increase the capacity of the community-ecosystem in the EU in favour of install and develop the sustainable strategies and practices in case of the circular tourism. Furthermore to inspire the process of the moving of the touristic SME-s by developing the capacity of the adaptation of the circular principles and rules – she added.

She pointed that the cooperation’s aim is also to involve the key European actors and the local communities to the construction of the supportive system of the tourisctic SME-s as well as to the provisions.

By financing the European Unions’ COSME Program, implemented from more than 1 million and 331 thousand euros via the circular tourism the sustainability and competitiveness of the European rural targets will increase, furthermore they will renew economically as well.
