


The general aim of the FLOURISH project is to support the uptake of organisational innovation by SMEs across Europe through the development, piloting and implementation of a holistic innovation coaching methodology using a multilevel approach – individual, group and organization.

The main goal will be reached through the accomplishment of several specific objectives:

  1. To create the professional profile of Organisational Innovation Coach for SMEs
  2. To develop a holistic training course for Organisational Innovation Coaches
  3. To create an effective refresher training tool for Innovation Coaches
  4. To create a solid foundation for ensuring the usability of the course for a wider VET audience
  5. To increase the awareness of EU business and VET community about the importance of organizational innovation and create the necessary supporting culture for that
  6. To provide EU SMEs with open educational resources in the field of organizational innovation

Following the FLOURISH methodology SMEs will be able to introduce new forms of work organisation, ensure stronger employee participation in innovation processes, advance the managerial techniques and draw lessons to build on in their continuous improvement.


FLOURISH is targeted at: SMEs top and middle managers, employees, management and innovation consultants, training companies and VET providers, people responsible for innovation or HR management, and business-related young graduates.


The FLOURISH partnership comprises 6 partners from 5 EU countries (BG, PT, PL, LT & HU): ECQ – an SME, APGICO – an association, AidLearn – a VET provider, KTU – a regional science park, SAN – a university & CSMKIK – a chamber of commerce.

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program and is running from 10/2018 to 09/2020. Project reference number: 2018-1-BG01-KA202-048014

The project team:
