Our Chamber's D-EMIND project focuses on promoting entrepreneurial mindset in Higher Education.

The D-EMIND project partners had a personal meeting on 17-19 April 2023 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The participants came from each country of the partnership; Denmark, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Hungary. The host of the meeting was the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf (Hochschule Düsseldorf).

The main aim of D-EMIND project is to design, develop and test a digital challenge-based learning methodology, strategies, and tools for promoting entrepreneurial mindset in Higher Education.

The partners have published a „Guide on innovative, digital and entrepreneurial learning processes in the field of Higher Education". The Guide offers a whole set of guidelines and tools to promote entrepreneurial skills among university students, and it does so through a wide variety of creative and innovative activities. The document is available on the website of the project: https://www.demind.eu/methodology-and-atom-model/.

During the meeting the partners worked on the D-EMIND training pack, reviewed their own parts to unify the structure and contents.

 The partners agreed on developing two MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course), which is a model for delivering learning content online to any person who is interested and wants to take a course of study. The course is available online without charge to a very large number of people. One of the MOOCs  in the D-EMIND project aims at teachers and students, while the second course aims at teachers and companies (mentors). The content will focus on mentoring, coaching and the role of the teachers as process facilitators.

The three-day long transnational meeting ensured a perfect opportunity for partners to co-create and work together on the project results that will boost the entrepreneurial mindsets in higher education.

If your company has a challenge and you consider to share it with a group of international students of higher education in order to find the solutions, please get in contact with us: demind@csmkik.hu
