The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Csongrád-Csanád has a history of more than 130 years and has 1000+ members from the fields of trade, industry, service and crafts.

The role of the chambers is to help their members, the actors of the business sphere, through the improvement of entrepreneurial environment, economic analyses and forecasts, the coordination of vocational training, suggestions, building credible, authentic business relationships and providing consultation in legal, taxation and other matters.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry considers the improvement of cross-border economic cooperation its accentuated task. In order to fulfill this task the Chamber organizes entrepreneur meetings, assists and implements cross-border projects taking active part in the improvement of the cooperation with the Serbian and Romanian Chambers of Commerce and their member entrepreneurs.

For the vast majority of the enterprises, EU accession ensured huge possibilities, but at the same time, also meant huge challenges, as they had to meet the regulations of the internal market, catch up with the international competition and find appropriate business partners.

In order to give assistance in these business matters, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosts the office of the Enterprise Europe Network, the member of the only network of the European Commission established for supporting small and medium sized enterprises.

The activity of the Chamber and its services rendered are financially covered by membership and service fees as well as funding from projects. Our chamber is a non-profit organization, it ensures its services to its members at a discount price, or even free of charge against the membership fee.

The headquarters building of our Chamber is located in Szeged but the local agency of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Csongrád Csanád in Hódmezővásárhely and the customer service offices in Makó, Csongrád, Szentes and Mórahalom are also at the service of our clients.

Inhabitancy: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.

Phone +36 / 62 / 554-250



President of the Chamber: Dr. Kőkuti Attila

Secretary of the Chamber: Dr. Tráserné Oláh Zsuzsanna

Sub offices:

6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Lánc u. 7.
Phone: +36 / 62/ 653-742

6600 Szentes, Budai Nagy Antal u. 6.
Phone: +36 30/ 388-7429

6900 Makó, Deák Ferenc u. 29. fsz. 7.
Phone:  +36 30 / 534-0821

6640 Csongrád, Fő u. 19-21.
Phone: +36 30  / 388-7429

6782 Mórahalom, István király út 1.
Phone: +36 30/ 792-3910