Török-Magyar Üzleti Fórum Szegeden

Kamaránk az Enterprise Europe Network hálózattal és a Török Köztársaság budapesti Nagykövetségével együttműködve Török-Magyar Üzleti Fórumot szervez Szegeden 2024. február 1-jén 11 órai kezdettel.

Az esemény két fő részből áll:
- a megnyitót követő plenáris részben a rendezvényen jelen lévő vállalkozások tájékozódhatnak a török befektetési, üzleti és együttműködési lehetőségekről,
- ezt követően pedig lehetőség nyílik kétoldalú üzleti megbeszélésekre török érdekeltségű vállalkozásokkal.

Részletes programterv
Programme (EN)

A rendezvény plenáris részéhez tolmácsolást biztosítunk. Az üzleti megbeszélések nyelve a cégek közötti közös nyelv (pl.  angol/török/magyar).

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024. január 25. 12 óra


Ssz. Company Name Short description of the company's activity Cooperation partnership sought
1 Assan Panel Construction/Panel

Assan Panel, a leading organization in the sandwich panel industry, began manufacturing operations in 1990 with its first manufacturing plant in Tuzla. it reached a total production capacity of 18 million m2 /year. As a groundbreaking pioneer in the industry, Assan Panel is a leader manufacturer in Turkey with FM Approvals certificate awarded in 2015 by FM Approvals without any height limit in buildings as well as being the holder of many other international certificates. Playing an active role in the global market by exporting to 85 countries around the world under its brands such as AssanPU, Assan Demir, AssanWool, and AssanBoard; Assan Panel is an overall solution partner for industrial buildings.

The company is looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects

2 Beko Kft. As well as being the leading home appliance brand in Türkiye, Beko is the second largest home appliance brand in Western Europe and one of Europe's fastest growing large home appliance brands, available in 130+ countries worldwide. Export to Hungary
3 Bella Consulting Kft. Consultancy Giving services to Hungarian Companies
4 Beyttürk Construction Construction/Energy/Electrical Car Industry the construction group of Beyttük Holding, is a pioneering construction company whose foundations date back to the 1980s. The company, which has carried out many contracting works until this time, has started to make special projects as of 2013. Five projects have been implemented until today. The total construction area of the projects is up to 200,000.

It is looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects/ export to Hungary in the electrical car industry/spare parts
5 Danube Fruit Kft. Fresh fruits, Vegetables Wholesale export to Hungary
6 EBITT EUROPE Water pump, pipes Looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects/selling products
7 Ekol Logistics Transportation, heavy lifting, warehousing, customs clearance. Looking for businees opportunities for Hungarian companies
8 Gurcan Partners Consultancy, Law Company Gurcan Partners is an International Law Firm, located in 10 Countries, but HQ is in Budapest

Giving services to Hungarian Companies
9 İlkem Consultancy/Energy Naturel Consultancy, Energy Solutions Naturel Enerji, which started its activities in 2009 with the understanding of "providing high quality solutions" in the Solar Energy Sector in Turkey, with its specialized management team and personnel, is one of Turkey's leading Solar Investor and EPC companies.
Naturel Enerji, domestically owns 118.03 MWp capacity power plants with also on the production side took its place, and within the scope of EPC activities, it has realized the project design and turnkey institutions of many Solar Power Plants in various parts of Turkey and has gained the trust of its investors.
“Renewable Energy, especially Solar Energy, Believing that it can replace other traditional energy sources in a short time, Naturel Enerji continues to invest in solar energy for a cleaner and more livable world. Land and Roof Solar provides turnkey project design and EPC services for project owners, as always, at a high level.

Giving services to Hungarian Companies/Looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects
10 Karçel Kft. Steel Producer/Exporter Karcel A.Ş. Completing 2021 with a record production of 22,412 tons, it ranked 148th in the steel industry with its exports of 9,600 tons in 2021. In addition, our company was deemed worthy of the first prize in the category of "STEEL CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIONS BRAND OF THE YEAR" at Turkey's Leading Brand Awards organized by the new generation business and economy magazine Strong Bosses as part of Turkey Brand and Career events.

Export to Hungary/Looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects
11 Kimmel Furniture wholesale in the furniture sector, selling and buying in the sector/export to Hungary
12 Liv Duna Medical Center Hospital, Medical Sector Giving services to Hungarian Companies
13 M2 PROCESS ENGINEERING automotive, machinery, assembly lines, Our company, which today serves many sectors, especially the automotive, defense and aviation sectors, was established in 2020. With the desire to serve the leading companies of our country with over 10 years of experience in the sector, a team that does its job with an "endless passion" has been formed. Our team, each of whom is experienced in their own field and has sectoral experience, is the most valuable resource of our company, which makes the principle of "perfect engineering service" the first point of departure.

Looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects/ export to Hungary in the car industry/spare parts
14 MT Display Plastics, Display, Info Boards, Banners, Posters, Leaflets, Frames, Showboards MT Displays is the world’s leading display units manufacturing company that offers not only full range and high quality products but also custom solutions with product design and development, technical consultancy ability and marketing tools support, so that our partners have full confidence on their businesses, because MT Displays has shown extreme willingness for making innovation to lead and reshape the market since its establishment in 1993.

export to Hungary in its own sector/selling/wholesaling the broadrange of products
15 Nakset Kft. Processed Meat Selling/wholeselling
16 Otokoc Hungary Kft. (Budget) Operational leasing and Short Term car rental interested in business opportunities
17 Procubex Engineering Consultancy /PI CONSULTANCY ENGINEERING Kft Energy, Engineering, Consultancy , Giving services to Hungarian Companies
18 Synergy Construction Kft. Construction Looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects
19 TURKCHAM Association We are a Chamber of Commerce that has been operating since 1999 and many large companies are members of it.Our member companies opperate in different sectors.
20 Turkish Airlines Airlines interested in business opportunities
21 Turkish Cargo Airlines/Logistics interested in business opportunities
22 Vakıfbank Banking other cooperation
23 Yapı Merkezi Hungary General Contractor Looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects
24 Török Köztársaság Nagykövetsége Turkish Embassy  
25 İMAŞ Grain and Feed Milling Machinery Producer, Turn Key Project Implementer, Machinery Design export to Hungary / export Magyarországra, other cooperation / egyéb együttműködés

machinery and spare part sales
26 Arsham Clean Energy

biogas, bioenergy

Depending on the chemical composition and flow of the biogas, we could offer a biogas upgrading solution, where the biogas can be transformed into renewable natural gas and fed into the national grid. Biogas upgrading is the process of the separation of methane from the carbon dioxide and other gases from biogas. Furthermore, no sorting of interfering material or pre-treatment is required. In our systems, the fermentation process is divided between individual digesters where the biowaste is fermented under exclusion of air. Continuous inoculation with bacterial matter occurs per recirculation of percolation liquid, which is sprayed over the organic matter in the digester. During the fermentation process, no further mixing, pumping or stirring is necessary inside the digester, nor is further material added. Excessive percolation liquid is collected in a drainage system, temporarily stored in the percolation tank, and then re-sprayed over the biowaste in the digester. The Arsham system ensures constantly high gas yields with a methane proportion in excess of 60 per cent.

Looking for potential partnerships in international/national projects
27 Denizimnak Transport

Transportation, logistics

Looking for businees opportunities for Hungarian companies

A jelentkezési lap kitöltésekor lehetőség van velük, illetve a Nagykövetség vagy a Turkcham képviselőivel is tárgyalásokat foglalni.

Kérjük, akkor is jelentkezzen, ha csak a délelőtti információs szekción kíván részt venni!

A rendezvényen való részvétel ingyenes, de előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött!

További információ:
Tóthné Horváth Mónika

Amennyiben más relációkban is érdeklik új üzleti kapcsolatok, keressen az Enterprise Europe Network adatbázisában szereplő profilok között.

Az esemény az Enterprise Europe Network keretében a „Hungarian Consortium for Enterprises” c. projektben kerül megvalósításra.
A „Hungarian Consortium for Enterprises” c. projekt megvalósulását - az Európai Bizottság mellett - a Miniszterelnökség Területfejlesztési Parlamenti Államtitkársága támogatja.
A Csongrád-Csanádi Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara részére 57.405.678 Ft költségvetési támogatás került megítélésre a „2023. évben közvetlen irányítású uniós programok keretében megvalósuló projektek önerő költségének hazai forrásból történő támogatásához” c. felhívás keretében.



Regionális cégeink érdeklődésének előzetes felmérése  - jelentkezési lap 
(Előzetes jelentkezési határidő: 2023. október 16.)
Jelentkezési lap TÖRÖK ÉRDEKELTSÉGŰ cégek számára / Application form to TURKISH COMPANIES

Szerző: EEN - Tóthné Horváth Mónika