Within the framework of the Ecotours project, 16 Hungarian companies have started their journey towards becoming more sustainable. The two activites helping them manage their companies with increased circular business practices are the following:

1)Consultancy and Coaching for Circular Business Development: Our companies are currently receiving 80 hours of coaching and mentoring with €2,000 financial support for each company to enhance their business capabilities through SWOT analysis, digital tool adoption, marketing strategies, and economic understanding, all aimed at fostering robust business development, digitalization, and sustainability branding.The 80 hours coaching activities are centered around three focal topics:business analysis for development in the frame of circular tourism, digitalisation and innovation and sustainability branding.
2) Sustainability Consultancy and Certification: Supported by external service providers, each SME benefits from up to €4,000 covering consultancy services and certification, ensuring their business practices not only meet but exceed current sustainability standards. Following an environmental and social sustainability assessment, each company will pass through personalized incubation paths to improve business performances in terms of environmental sustainability and get certified through applied methods and tools.